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Wertheim EWS1000KB Grade 5 (CD) Core Drill Resistant Safe

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You save: 1,08618
(6,69521 inc VAT)

Brief Description

Wertheim of Austria manufacture the most highly certified, attack resistant safes in Europe while the EWSKB series offers the highest level of extreme attack resistance to European standard EN1143-1 CD. The series is designed to counter advanced burglary tools such as a diamond core drill or carbide cutting discs while maintaining a compact size to capacity ratio. All Wertheim safes in the Wertheim grade V EWS series come with an integrated VdS certified cable channel allowing optional interface with an alarm system without the need for a door loop, as well dual seismic sensor mounts.

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 Grade 5 CD

 Certified to EN1143-1 by European
 certification bodies ECB-S, VDS & CNPP 

alarm icon

 Certified for diamond core
 drill resistance (CD) 

alarm icon

 Prepared for alarm integration
 with dual seismic sensor mounts 

digital safe lock logo

 European certified digital safe lock 
 already included in price displayed 

fire logo

 DIN 4102 German classification 
 for light fire protection

ISRG logo

 Official insurance rate in Ireland (ISRG) 
 €150,000 cash or €750,000 in jewellery

  • External size: 1003 x 810 x 725 mm (HxWxD)
  • Internal size: 850 x 660 x 480 mm (HxWxD)
  • Volume: 269 litres, Weight: 1060kg, Shelves: 2
About Delivery & Installation

Certified Safes Ireland™ provide surveys FREE of charge to help you find a location that allows the correct installation of your safe to European standards making the physical removal of your safe virtually impossible. 

Our installers have specific insurance and training for safe delivery and installation. We also have the knowledge and expertise to assist in integrating your safe with a variety of advanced, certified, EN50131 compliant alarm signalling devices, watch winders, internal lighting or other electronics as required. 

Surveys are free of charge, without obligation and entirely confidential. 

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Accredited Documentation


Wertheim EWS1000KB Grade 5 (CD) Core Drill Resistant Safe

Wertheim of Austria manufacture the most highly certified, attack resistant safes in Europe and Wertheim's EWSKB series safes offer the highest level of extreme attack resistance designed to counter advanced burglary tools such as a diamond core drill or carbide cutting discs while maintaining a compact size to capacity ratio. Available with optional fire protection – tested and certified in grade LFS60P except models EWS0849KB and double-doored models EWS1902KB and EWS1904KB. The body is double walled, reinforced and filled with advanced, armoured, highly resistant barrier material. The door structure is triple walled, reinforced and filled with the same advanced highly resistance barrier. Internal bolt work is protected by sheets of hardened steel and several live re-lockers to provide additional anti-drill, cutting disc and torch resistance.

alarm icon

 Prepared for alarm integration
 with dual seismic sensor mounts 

All Wertheim safes in the EWSKB series come with an integrated VdS certified cable channel allowing optional interface with an alarm system without the need for a door loop. All wiring is internal and the safe also comes with dual seismic sensor mounts.

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The Wertheim EWS1000KB safe is certified to European standard EN1143-1 including core drill resistance by the accredited certification bodies ECB-S, VdS and CNPP making it the most highly certified core drill resistant safe of its size and grade in Europe.

About Accredited European Certification:

Accredited European Certification is verifiable assurance that a safe, fire safe, data cabinet or strongroom has been tested and certified under European law. This is proof of standard for insurance, GDPR and litigation purposes. A reputable safe supplier will always provide accredited certification documents for a certified unit. The safe, fire safe, data cabinet or strongroom will have at least one certification plate which can be located on the inside of the door. This will always be a stamped metal plate, never a sticker. The certification plate will clearly state the certification standard, the name of the accredited certification body and an ISO/IEC17065 accreditation. 

digital safe lock

Physical Specifications For Wertheim EWS1000KB

  • External size: 1003 x 810 x 725 mm (HxWxD)
  • Internal size: 850 x 660 x 480 mm (HxWxD)
  • Volume: 269 litres, Weight: 1060kg, Shelves: 2

Size Options

Model External HxWxD Internal HxWxD Shelves Volume Weight
EWS0849KB 848 x 645 x 565mm 695 x 495 x 320mm 1 110L 665kg
EWS0850KB 848 x 810 x 725mm 695 x 660 x 480mm 1 220L 935kg
EWS1000KB 1003 x 810 x 725mm 850 x 660 x 480mm 2 269L 1060kg
EWS1200KB 1193 x 810 x 725mm 1040 x 660 x 480mm 2 329L 1220kg
EWS1600KB 1538 x 810 x 725mm 1385 x 660 x 480mm 3 439L 1550kg
EWS1901KB 1883 x 810 x 725mm 1730 x 660 x 480mm 4 548L 1790kg
EWS1903KB 1883 x 1110 x 725mm 1730 x 960 x 480mm 4 797L 2230kg
EWS1902KB 1883 x 1110 x 725mm 1730 x 960 x 480mm 4 797L 2270kg
EWS1904KB 1883 x 1415 x 725mm 1730 x 1265 x 480mm 4 1050L 2720kg

Wertheim EWSKB safe series size range


Wertheim EWSKB Series (wertheim-ews-kb.pdf, 203 Kb) [Download]

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